select,, apro.apro_keres, apro.apro_cim, apro.apro_megye, apro.apro_telep, apro.apro_kat, apro.apro_felado, apro.apro_email, apro.apro_telefon, apro.apro_ar, apro.apro_penznem, apro.apro_honlap, apro.apro_aktivdate, apro.apro_lejardate, apro.apro_engedelyez, apro.kepid, apro.tipus, apro.apro_kulso_kepek, apro.apro_kulso_defkep, apro.apro_kulso_reklamlink, apro.apro_telep, apro.seo, apro.apro_kat from objects_9 as apro where (apro.tipus=10 or apro.tipus=54 or apro.tipus=101) and apro.deleted=0 and apro.apro_kat=1876 and apro.apro_aktiv=1 and apro.apro_lejardate>='2025-01-19' and apro.apro_engedelyez=1 and
Thin-wall heat shrinkage tubes are used for insulation of cable connection, at conductors repair to protect the cable head from corrosion, for protection of the cable insulation from water and moisture, for restoring the cable insulation integrity. It is a plastic thin wall pipe which at temperature higher than 120°? shrinks its initial diameter to a certain degree. The material has high temperature an UV rays resistance. Technical characteristics: - Material: triple cross-linked polyolefin - Colours: blue, black, red, yellow, yellow-green, green, white - Shrinkage ratio: min 2:1 - Shrinkage temperature: min 120°? - Insulation resistance: 1?10???/cm - Insulation voltage: 1000V - Ambient temperature: -40° to +100°? - Condition of the material during fire exposure: slight burning - The material does not emit hazardous substances Standard: EN60684