select,, apro.apro_keres, apro.apro_cim, apro.apro_megye, apro.apro_telep, apro.apro_kat, apro.apro_felado, apro.apro_email, apro.apro_telefon, apro.apro_ar, apro.apro_penznem, apro.apro_honlap, apro.apro_aktivdate, apro.apro_lejardate, apro.apro_engedelyez, apro.kepid, apro.tipus, apro.apro_kulso_kepek, apro.apro_kulso_defkep, apro.apro_kulso_reklamlink, apro.apro_telep, apro.seo, apro.apro_kat from objects_9 as apro where (apro.tipus=10 or apro.tipus=54 or apro.tipus=101) and apro.deleted=0 and apro.apro_kat=1874 and apro.apro_aktiv=1 and apro.apro_lejardate>='2025-02-23' and apro.apro_engedelyez=1 and
English bulldog Puppies For Adoption - Budapest - AproTuti
Megye: Budapest Város: Budapest Kategória: Mezőgazdaság, állatartás Honlap: Részletek...
Hi there! I just know that we are meant to be. I have been dreaming of coming home to my new family and I sure hope that it is you! I promise that we will have lots of fun together. We can spend all day playing if you'd like. Whenever you get tired, I will be right there to cuddle up by your side. I'll be healthy, too so I will be ready for anything that you have planned. Please bring me home, I want to start my life with you!